How to Become the CEO of Your Career

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Course Description 
Much of what we've been taught about managing our careers, ourselves, and others is wrong. Asia Bribiesca-Hedin is going to dissolve 3 myths that keep executives and professionals alike from becoming the CEOs of their careers and break down what to do instead. You'll leave this interactive session empowered and with an action plan in hand, so you're equipped to elevate your career and leadership effectiveness as you apply the simple strategies to elicit the best from yourself and others.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
  • Identify where you are in your career journey and where you are headed.
  • Determine how to create and use a support structure that keeps you aligned to your goals.
  • Align your company's strategy to support your career growth.

Duration: 60 minutes
Closed Caption: English

Speaker Bio:

Asia Bribiesca-Hedin, MBA, MPA, CPC, CPCC (She/her) Asia Bribiesca-Hedin is the founder and CEO of Bridgewell Professional Services, a leadership development and strategy execution firm in Southern California. Asia’s expertise (and passion!) is coaching her clients to become influential leaders and gain recognition for their contributions; without burning-out, people-pleasing, or selling their souls! Prior to starting her own firm, the strategy expert turned leadership coach spent 8 years with a comprehensive cancer center helping them plan and implement their transformation initiatives. After earning her MBA and MPA degrees at the University of Southern California, Asia began her career as a management consultant with a global Big 4 consulting firm, gaining unparalleled experience in advising leaders on how to mobilize their teams to deliver on strategic priorities. Asia earned her BS in management from Pepperdine University and earned advanced certificates in leadership, psychology, professional coaching, and real estate development. She is at home in Southern California with her husband and their 3 children.

This project is based upon work partially supported by the generosity of Chemours.

Non-Members: $49
SWE Members: Free