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Leadership for All Seasons

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Course Description 
In this keynote session, Leena Nair the CHRO of Unilever shares her life journey to make us realize how to become better leaders. This course was hosted by SWE Pune, the first SWE Global Affiliate in India as part of the SWE India Webinar Series.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
  • Identify ways to break stereotypes and unlearn social conditioning.
  • Recognize leadership lessons from being a women global leader.
  • Summarize inspiring leadership stories that make a difference.

63 minutes

Leena Nair is first female, first Asian, youngest ever CHRO of Unilever and member of the Unilever Leadership Executive (ULE), which is responsible for delivering Unilever’s business & financial performance. Leena bears overall responsibility for the 160,000-strong human capital of Unilever, which operates across multiple regulatory and labour environments spread over 190 countries. She ensures the company has the right people, in the right roles, with the right capabilities and mindset to deliver high business performance that enables Unilever to meet its ambitious business growth with environmental and positive social impact. She also heads the Diversity and Inclusion agenda for the organization ensuring that its workforce is truly diverse and inclusive.