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SWE Awards and Scholarship Judge Training: Judge Toolkit - Avoiding Subjectivity and Bias

Course Description 
As part of the Awards and Recognition diversity, equity and inclusion improvements, a brief training module to provide training on implicit bias was required. This training also includes judge toolkit to remove subjectively and bias from the award and scholarship judging process. (This toolkit was developed based on industry best practices.) This training is one of several changes to ensure our programs are serving all members equally and fairly.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
  • Define the fundamentals of unconscious bias.
  • Identify that their own unconscious bias is a consideration when judging.
  • Identify the specific steps they should take to avoid subjectivity and bias when judging awards or scholarships.
  • Recall the unconscious bias terminology from Module 2 of Inclusive Leader training.

 10 Minutes


Heather Doty, FY21 SWE President