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Cultivating Personal Branding Using LinkedIn Platform

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Course Description 
In this course you will learn about: personal branding, how to find your "uniqueness", ABCD of visual resume, enhancing your digital footprint, and creating an effective Linkedin profile. At the end of this course you will: be able to work on your uniqueness, understand how you can market yourself, and be able to create an impactful LinkedIn profile by understanding each section of the profile building.

This course was hosted by the SWE Global Affiliates as part of the SWE India.

Duration: 60 minutes

Shweta Baid, Founder and Chief Marketing Officer,is a Digital Marketing Consultant with about 14 years of industry experience. She has been speaking on brand management, B2B marketing, Personal Branding, and how to ensure you have a strong and right digital footprint. She left a regular fulltime job to start her own independent consulting. She’s active with many networks and communities.