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Leadership Career Paths within Academia

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Course Description 
Academia provides interested faculty with several leadership opportunities - both within and external to one’s own institution. Understanding common leadership career paths, desired gateway skills and experiences of future leaders, as well as successful strategies to employ upon assuming a leadership position are all valuable for those wanting to move into leadership roles. This course will cover these topics, as well as the importance of clarifying one’s own personal leadership motivation and style together with common issues for women in leadership roles, to help demystify the academic leadership career path.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
  • Describe various leadership paths available within academia, and the skills required to pursue each leadership track.
  • Identify the issues facing women in positions of leadership.
  • Discuss your own motivations for pursuing a leadership position in academia.

56 minutes

Dr. Jenna Carpenter is Founding Dean and Professor of Engineering at Campbell University in North Carolina. A national expert on innovative STEM education and success of women in STEM, she regularly speaks around the country. She has a TEDx talk (“Engineering: Where are the girls and why aren’t they here?”) and has been featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education, US News and World Report, Big Beacon Radio and more. Currently she chairs the ASEE Long Range Planning Committee and is a Co-Chair Elect for the ASEE Undergraduate Experience Committee. Carpenter is co-Principal Investigator for a National Science Foundation grant on Professional Development Emphasizing Data-Centered Resources and Pedagogies for Instructors of Undergraduate Introductory Statistics. Carpenter chairs the MAA Council on the Profession and co-chairs the mathematical societies Joint Committee on Women. This course is sponsored by the Henry Luce Foundation.