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Diversity in Engineering Matters

Course Description 
This course is composed of five narrated eLearning modules that demonstrate how to develop a work culture that respects and values diverse viewpoints and voices. Each module explores the importance of promoting diversity throughout the workplace, providing standard definitions, engineering case studies, and tools for integrating the information into your business. The course includes the following five eLearning modules:

  1. Importance of Diversity in the Workplace: Facilitate a culture that includes and respects diverse perspectives in your workplace.
  2. Confronting Gender Bias: Characterize the building blocks of cultural competence within your organization.
  3. Managing Diverse Teams: Recognize the benefits and challenges of managing teams with different perspectives while also providing the building blocks of cultural competence for managers/leaders.
  4. Mentoring, Coaching and Sponsorship: Define the differences between coaching, mentoring, and sponsorship and encouraging women to seek the support and relationships to grow within their careers.
  5. Impacts of a Global Workplace: Evaluate changes in the business landscape, including understanding why more education and experience are needed to navigate through cultural misunderstandings. Learn about examining culture as it relates to the impact on work, the way we communicate with each other for a common purpose and how a virtual work environment can impact the complexity of communication.

Published by:
SWE Learning