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ALWE 23-24 01. ALWE Orientation | Keynote Topic: More Than a 9-5: Work/Life "Balance" at the Intersect of Identity and Power Dynamics

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Course Description 
At face value, work/life balance is a very straightforward concept. We strive to keep the scale at perfect equilibrium, dedicating just enough of ourselves to work and just enough of ourselves to our personal lives. If the scale tips too far in either direction, we feel out of balance, creating a sense of urgency to course correct. In reality, however, work/life balance is much more nuanced and individualized than meets the eye. Each person’s definition of what this actually means and how they practice it varies depending on factors like positional authority at work, personal circumstances, goals and desires, and the unique combination of intersecting identities they hold.

In this session, participants will start by building connections with other participants and discussing a) what work/life balance means and looks like for them and b) some of the faulty definitions of “balance” that often lead to burnout. We’ll then unpack the concept of work/life balance to build an understanding of how power dynamics impact one’s management of work and life. The session will close by discussing practical strategies participants can use to design their life in ways that make sense for their unique circumstances and professional goals.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
  • Describe how faulty definitions of balance might lead to burnout
  • Assess one’s unique circumstances and needs as they relate to a personalized approach to work/life balance
  • Describe the intersect of power dynamics and multiple identities as they relate to both opportunities and challenges to achieving a sense of work/life balance
  • Identify 2-3 practical strategies one can use to design a personalized approach to work/life balance that makes sense for one’s own unique circumstances and professional goals

Duration: 90 minutes
Closed Caption: English


This project is based upon work partially supported by the generosity of the Henry Luce Foundation and the Burroughs Wellcome Fund.