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Creating Confidence When You Are the First or Only in the Room

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Course Description

What does it take to lead yourself and others with confidence when you’re told you don’t belong and that your “kind” are just not good enough? For over 400 years Blacks in America have wrestled with this question as have others who have experienced being the “first” or the “only” in a room that had formerly excluded their “kind”. Whether a different race, ability, gender identity, education level, body type, language fluency, wealth, religion, or political party – it takes something more to create real self-confidence, the kind that stands up to the discomfort of feeling unwelcome and the pressure to play small. During this session Asia Bribiesca-Hedin will explore what it took then and now to rise beyond the limitations others would place on us as well as the limitations we place on ourselves.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Execute a simple formula for making strategic decisions even when you're feeling out of your comfort zone.
  • Determine how to tap into your natural resilience.
  • Articulate the single question to ask yourself and your teams when self-doubt or uncertainty are wreaking havoc.

Duration: 60 minutes
Closed Caption: English


  • Asia Bribiesca-Hedin, MBA, MPA, CPC, CPCC (She/her)

    Asia Bribiesca-Hedin is the founder and CEO of Bridgewell Professional Services, a leadership development and strategy execution firm in Southern California. Asia’s expertise (and passion!) is coaching her clients to become influential leaders and gain recognition for their contributions; without burning-out, people-pleasing, or selling their souls! Prior to starting her own firm, the strategy expert turned leadership coach spent 8 years with a comprehensive cancer center helping them plan and implement their transformation initiatives. After earning her MBA and MPA degrees at the University of Southern California, Asia began her career as a management consultant with a global Big 4 consulting firm, gaining unparalleled experience in advising leaders on how to mobilize their teams to deliver on strategic priorities. Asia earned her BS in management from Pepperdine University and earned advanced certificates in leadership, psychology, professional coaching, and real estate development. She is at home in Southern California with her husband and their 3 children.

February 14, 2024
Wed 1:00 PM CST

Duration 1H 0M

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