Celebrating Successes: The Art of Skillful Win Journaling

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Course Description
Can you name your last big wins, last week, last month and last year? One of the ways to combat self-limiting beliefs is to reflect on successes just as much as you learn from failures. Successes can be big or small. Unlock the transformative power of success and learn the art of tracking and reflecting on your victories. Whether personal or professional achievements, this session will empower you to cultivate a positive mindset, build resilience, and propel yourself towards future successes. Elevate your journey with the skillful and intentional practice of win journaling. Let every success, big or small, be a stepping stone to an even brighter future!

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
  • Develop effective win tracking strategies
  • Apply reflective practice techniques to their professional development, demonstrating an understanding of its importance in enhancing personal and professional growth
  • Create a sustainable success journal

Duration:  30 minutes
Closed Caption:  English

Speaker Bio

Nicole Lewis (she/her/hers), Vice President, Operations, Americas
Nicole Lewis is the Nicole Lewis is the Vice President, Operations - Americas at Orion S.A. Nicole has over 20 years of supply chain and manufacturing experience, including an international assignment as a plant manager for a major oilfield specialty chemical manufacturer. Promoting the use of better technologies and driving innovation within the manufacturing function are also important pillars of her strategic success.

Her latest success was founding her company's official women’s advocacy group, EmpowHER Orion, where she sits as chair. EmpowHER Orion’s purpose is to promote global inclusion and diversity as well as support women in their career growth. Recently, the group has seen exponential growth following a series of workshops that Nicole facilitated in multiple regions.

Non-Members: $49
SWE Members: Free