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Neuroinclusion Training

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Course Description
Neurodistinct people have long been marginalized in employment. Employers with a commitment to their communities and to social responsibility should welcome the opportunity to create more equitable workplaces and hiring. There is also a clear business case for neuroinclusion as a solution to the three major talent challenges facing twenty-first century organizations:
  1. How to find great talent
  2. How to keep talent around
  3. How to get the most out of your teams.

That is why SWE is offering a new neuroinclusion eLearning suite that includes the following four modules:

  • Neurodiversity 101 - Neurodiversity appreciation training for all employees
  • Neuroinclusive Manager - Neuroinclusive leadership training for managers
  • Neuroinclusive HR - Role-specific training for HR professionals
  • Neuroinclusive Recruiter - Role-specific training for recruiters

In addition, you can watch the recording of our June 20th for a live webinar that offers a comprehensive overview of neurodiversity and neuroinclusion in the workplace, aiming to energize and equip learners to champion and practice neuroinclusion in their respective teams and workplace. Learners will walk away with an understanding of the importance of neuroinclusion as well as some practical strategies in creating a diverse and inclusive work environment.

  This course is based upon work partially supported by the generosity of the Mazda Foundation.

Non-Members: $49
SWE Members: Free